Dear friends,
I am writing to let you know that, in conjunction with Do Ngak Dargye Ling, Gyumé Khensur Lobsang Jampa Rinpoche’s center in San Jose, CA, Do Ngak Kunphen Ling (DNKL) of Redding, CT, the Mahayana Sutra and Tantra Center of New Jersey, and Guhyasamaja Center, the Mahayana Sutra and Tantra Center of Washington D.C. is hosting a religious service on Saturday, November 7 at 11:00 AM. We are delighted to announce that Gyumed Khensur Rinpoche has agreed to attend the event. The service will be a Sixteen Arhat prayer recitation dedicated to promoting the long life of His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso, the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, Gyume Khensur Lobsang Jampa Rinpoche, our own Tenzin Jikme Namdrol Rinpoche, the reincarnation of Sera Mey Khensur Lobsang Tharchin Rinpoche, and all holy Dharma teachers, as well as to promoting the flourishing of the Buddha Dharma throughout the world, especially in the United States and other Western countries where the spread of the Buddha Dharma is quite recent and very much in need of our continued support.
The event will be broadcast as a Zoom Meeting beginning at 11:00 a.m. and is scheduled to last approximately an hour and a half. Details of how to log into the meeting appear below. Most of you are familiar with this service. For those who are not, simply go to the web address and click on the tab that says “Join a Meeting.” The most salient details are the Meeting ID and password. Enter each one as you are prompted. The Zoom Meeting will display a “live” screen of the service featuring Rinpoche with recitations being led by Geshe Dhargye who will serve as chant master. An additional screen will display the entire recitation in Tibetan with a pronunciation guide in roman characters, and with the English translation beneath each line, so that everyone can recite along.
This event was originally organized by DNKL of Redding, CT, with the intention of holding it on the first Saturday of each month, with the service being broadcast via a Zoom Meeting, since it is not safe to hold in-person religious events during the current coronavirus pandemic. The plan is for the above-mentioned centers to host this service on a rotating basis, in recognition of our common affiliation with Sera Mey Monastery and to establish and maintain an ongoing bond among these U.S.-based Tibetan Buddhist Dharma centers and the students that attend each of them.
We are reaching out to all the individuals who have had a connection with Mahayana Sutra and Tantra Center of Washington D.C. in the past for whom we still have an email address. Everyone is encouraged to share this message with others who may want to participate.
MSTC WDC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Long Life Prayer Ceremony for His Holiness the Dalai Lama and for Gyumed Khensur Rinpoche
Time: Nov 7, 2020 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 819 0304 0508
Passcode: 710364
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Meeting ID: 819 0304 0508
Passcode: 710364
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