May the glorious lamas live long.
May happiness and well-being arise for all sentient beings, present throughout space.
May I and all beings without exception, having gathered the two accumulations and purified the two obscurations,
be swiftly established in the state of buddhahood.
As we wish for the above, we are organizing Long Life prayers for His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Rinpoche every month. We encourage all of Rinpoche’s students and all who are connected through DNKL to join in this Long Life Prayer. We know that you can do prayers in your dharma center and also in your home but all sangha members gathering together will be more effective to the prayer’s intent. Also, we know that doing Long Life Prayer is Guru Devotion Practice.
Many of the great masters have said that doing Long Life Prayer for your Guru is the best way to accumulate merit and purification practice. We think this is not late, but a very good time to do this Long Life Prayer as both His Holiness and Rinpoche are having a lot of dharma activities and they are in their older years. We hope all of you can join in these prayers every first Saturday of each month from 11:00AM-12:30PM EST.
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DNKL is dedicated to providing pure and authentic teachings of the Buddha in a beautiful, rural setting. According to our tradition, Dharma teachings are always free.
Since there is no endowment for the center, DNKL relies on contributions from our community and members to pay our bills, and enable us to continue to host regular and special activities. Thank you for your ongoing generosity!