White Tara weekend Registration is full. If you have heard back from on us, you are registered. You may still email us at sopanyima21@gmail.com to be placed on the waiting list.
Gyumed Khensur Rinpoche Lobsang Jampa has kindly agreed to bestow a White Tara Jenang or Blessing ceremony and then give teachings/commentary on White Tara. This weekend of teachings will be available only to those with a White Tara initiation empowerment so if you wish to attend the commentary teachings, you can attend the White Tara Jenang on Friday morning, 3/31.
As of right now, the schedule will be:
Friday, 8/31
10am to Noon White Tara Jenang Blessing Ceremony (door will be open at 9:40am! Please do not arrive earlier as Gyumed Khensur Rinpoche will be preparing for the Blessing ceremony)
Noon to 2pm: Lunch on your own
2pm to 4:30pm: Commentary teachings
Saturday, Sunday and Monday Schedules: (9/1-9/3)
10am to Noon: Teachings (Door will be open at 9:45am everyday)
Noon to 2pm: Lunch on your own
2pm to 4:30pm; Teachings
Registration is full. Please contact us at sopanyima21@gmail.com to be placed on a waiting list.