Sermey Khensur Rinpoche
The Mahayana Sutra and Tantric Center (MSTC) of Washington, DC, was established in 1979 by the late Hlaramapa Geshe, Khensur Lobsang Tharchin Rinpoche. It was incorporated as a non-profit religious organization dedicated to the preservation and dissemination of Buddhist knowledge (according to the Gelukpa Tibetan Buddhist tradition) in 1979.
You should be aware of how important bodhicitta is and have the same attitude that you’d have while window-shopping in New York and seeing all kinds of lovely things: ‘Wow, I want it, I want it. . . How beautiful! I want it, I really want it!’ You have to want bodhicitta with all your heart, thinking, ‘Bodhicitta is so beautiful, so important, so holy!’ Even though you may want that holy mental attitude, you cannot buy it with money. You have to try to achieve it through practice. from Achieving Bodhicitta by Sermey Khensur Rinpoche
The late Sermey Khensur Rinpoche Lobsang Tharchin’s new incarnation was recently recognized by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. His name is Ven. Tenzin Jikme Namdrol (Website -Dedicated to the life of Yangsi Rinpoche Tenzin Namdrol and the memory of his Predecessor Sera Mey Khensur Rinpoche Lobsang Tharchin)
MSTC-WDC has, in recent years, been receiving teachings from the esteemed scholar and lama, Ven. Gyumed Khensur Rinpoche, former abbot of Gyumed Tantric College in Dharmsala, India.
About Our Classes/Events
The center’s teaching program includes classes on Buddhist philosophy, mental training (Lojong), Lam Rim, debate, logic, Abhidharma, Madyamaka philosophy, and meditation practices from both Sutra and Tantra traditions. Tibetan language instruction is also available. Weekend retreats are sometimes held.
Over the past few years, MSTC-WDC has been very fortunate to have received such profound dharma teachings from Gyumed Khensur Rinpoche Lobsang Jampa such as:
- The Ornament of Clear Realizations
- The Eight Verses of Mind Training
- The Wheel of Sharp Weapons
- The Three Heaps Sutra
- Tantric subjects as Vajrayogini and Yamantaka
All of our classes are offered free of charge and are offered in the local Northern VA area at a private residence.
MSTC-WDC has participated and sponsored interfaith dialogues within the local spiritual community. We have also welcomed visits by class groups from local colleges interested in learning and hearing about Buddhism. We have also been to local high schools within the Washington, DC area to share information about Buddhism. We welcome requests or invitations to share information about Buddhism within our local community and you may contact us at: Request Class Visit
MSTC-WDC also helps in the sponsorship of scholars and orphaned monks of Sermey Monastic University in India through the Sermey Monks Scholastic Food Fund.