Mahamudra is a Sanskrit word that means “Great Seal.” In ancient India, when a king sent out a proclamation, the validity of the document was established by affixing the king’s wax seal. Similarly, the great seal of emptiness marks the true nature of all phenomena.
In this class we will delve into the preliminary practices for perceiving Mahamudra as set forth in the Ganden Hlagyama, the foundational practices leading to full realization as set forth in the stages of the path, and the Mahamudra teachings themselves as set forth in the trailblazing text by the first Panchen Lama, Losang Chokyi Gyaltsen, entitled The Main Path of the Victorious Ones, A Root Text of the Precious Ganden Oral Tradition of Mahamudra.
We will conduct these classes over time using Zoom. You are invited to participate. The first class is scheduled for Sunday, May 10 from 3:30-5:00 PM. In order to keep up with the content of the class, it is suggested that you try to keep your attendance regular. In order to get an experience of the teachings we will cover, it is recommended that you try to practice the presented meditations and contemplations between classes. Tuition is free.
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3:30 – 5:00pm Weekly on Sundays
Topic: Wilson Hurley’s Personal Meeting Room (The Path of Mahamudra Class)
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Meeting ID: 755 662 1536
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